"I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Phil 4:13

Sunday, March 8, 2009


i wrote this last night (0307/23:47). and i realized i don't have internet load anymore so it's just now that i was able to post this.

while im typing at this very moment, my heart is still racing so fast!


well, i was transferring some of the trial shots i did with my sister in-law's digicam. after, i checked the cam again and decided to take some more shots. but i realized that there's no picture left! and i just transferred a couple of pics so how come? i was so nervous and started to think of ways on how to explain to my brother and his wife that i've deleted accidentally the over a year bunch of pics that was left on the cam! im so doomed! im pretty sure my brother's going to get mad at me.

seems like i always manage to get myself into trouble every week.

so, i checked the laptop again. coz i thought maybe the rest of the pics got into the documents though i don't know how's that possible. i was just totally keeping my fingers crossed. i rechecked the recyle bin over and over again but NOTHING! ahhhh!!! my hands are shaking! im not supposed to touch the cam without their permission so i guess this is some kind of punishment for breaking another rule. grrr!

i checked the cam again, this time thinking that maybe i pressed something and didn't realized that i changed the settings whatsoever.

to cut it short... while trasnferring the pictures to my USB, of course there would be nothing left in the album (digicam). what i forgot was that i was only looking at the album where the pictures were. i didn't bothered checking the other dates where the rest of the pics were taken.

arrrgggghhhh!!!! another stoooopid moment from the 13th grandchild...

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