"I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Phil 4:13

Thursday, March 19, 2009

AI goes country!

it's country week on AI and the first thing that came into my mind was ....ADAM. i really can't picture him doing country. so, when i saw his performance i was just like Kara... "confused and happy." he always puts his flavor in everything he does and it amazes me how big his range of vocals are. he may not have the best performance for the week but he's still on my top 3! :)

... my top performances would be of Kris Allen --AGAIN! when ryan said that he's going to perform without his guitar, i was afraid for him. but, he pulled it off! ..and Anoop Desai! ...first 2 lines and i was like "the Noop Dogg's back!!!!" i was so happy with his performance! im hearing the Anoop that i heard on the auditions and im just really happy for him.

Danny was ok. i didn't feel the first part but through the chorus, he did it again! Matt, is someone i would love to listen over and over again.. his voice is very soothing.. simon's comment about matt being like michael buble was right... but i think randys' comment of him being a mixture of michael and justin timberlake is more appropriate.

.. least fave performance was of lil rounds --again. it wasn't bad but she could have done better. and scott macintyre. i love the song but uhmmm... not for him. i have to agree with paula. he should start performing without the piano and try to explore.

i kinda enjoyed mike sarvers' performance, too but i didn't understand a thing he said! hahaha! alexis, allison and megan did really great. i should say, megan was lookin really gorgeous even if she's sick. love the dress!

*** this is just my opinion. if someone got offended or thinks that im wrong, you can always leave a comment. but then again, we all don't think the same.

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