"I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Phil 4:13

Saturday, August 21, 2010

yea... YOU!

HEY! Hey YOU! yea you, the one reading this.guess what?im in love with the greatest guy anyone could ever have.he'll steal bread and make me red when he writes me poems that's not blah like this one i have.he'll prepare a hot bowl of soup when i get sick and also a hot cup of chocolate drink--minus sugar coz he forgot.but would definitely remember to give me kisses a lot.coz he knows i like that.whenever i get a tummy ache,he'll rub it till i get ok.and whenever i say ït's hot, he'll fan me like crazy and bring me to a cold spot.of course, an excuse to shower me with his amazing hugs.coz then, i'll feel a little chilly,but get warm again as he whispers some cheesy lines about our forever.and if ever im sad,he'll walk all the way to Gorordo or McDo to buy some chicken and fries,and see me smile,after he forms IM SORRY using ketchup while we try to talk and understand why we had a fight.Hey you reading this poem or whatever you call it,im in love with a guy named, Arthur Antonio, do you know?he lives near the beach but doesn't surf.he does magic to earn so he can return to his girlfriend's turf.he listens to jazz but looks like a rocker.there's still more but for now, this one's over...

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