"I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Phil 4:13

Sunday, December 25, 2011


yes, this is me and my fiance when we were kids. i think i was 2 years old here and he, 3. we just want to spread the LOVE kiddy style. coz u know how kids are during christmas.. they're all so happy and excited and we just want it to be that way even if were adults now. 

but its really different. no matter how hard you try to get in touch with that kid in you, there will always be things you'd miss, things that would still make you worry and sad.

but then again, we tried. as you know, we're in a ldr with a 12 hour difference. he was able to spend the christmas night with me through skype and im waiting for him right now to wake up and watch him open his presents.

there will always be a way to spend time with someone you love. there will always be a way to be all happy and thankful even if you feel so alone.

to you reading this, i hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

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