"I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Phil 4:13

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

small, simple things

i went to Redemptorist Church this afternoon. my first wednesday mass there where Arthur isn't with me. feels different but i was happy. little boy infront of me kept just won't stop staring. smiled at him a lot and tried making faces but he never smiled. if arthur was there, he would find it funny, i think. an old man was sitted on my left side and a pretty lady on my right. idk why im telling you this.

i love what the priest asked during the mass... "what can you do to make the world more positive?"

- i know a smile can make someone's day brighter
- i know saying thank you or good day can make someone feel he or she is appreciated
- i know by saying sorry both parties would feel lighter and forgiving
- i know by loving someone, you're helping him/her be a better person
- i know that by doing small simple things to random people, can make the world a better place
- and i believe that these random people would do the same thing to other people because they feel good and positive and happy!

paying it forward.

if someone did something bad to you, do something good to that person in return. its hard but later on, you'll feel better. i mean, try doing something bad to that person and what do you get from it? nothing really. you'll just be a person full of hatred, someone who carries a heavy luggage and people will just hate on you.

you don't have to be saint. as i've mentioned earlier, SMALL SIMPLE THINGS.

- open the door for someone
- offer the babysit your younger sibling
- make a coffee for your parents
- clean your room
- help someone who's having a hard time carrying his or her stuff
- offer to tutor someone who's having a hard time in school
- feed a homeless person
- donate stuff you don't use anymore
- volunteer
- ( you fill in )

what are you doing still reading my post? GO AND DO SOMETHING NICE! lets all be happy making other people happy! ;)

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