"I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Phil 4:13

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The GUHREAT American Circus + JARED

so, this morning my sister-in-law won't stop buggin me about the whole The Great American Circus show here in Cebu. she so wanna watch and i do too except that i'm tryin to save up for the Bruno Mars concert on April. yea, its still 3 months from now but i just want to be really ready for the price. :)

but you know how The Secret works? think about it, want it, have faith.. you'll attract the forces and whatever it is that you like will come to you. i guess i did that unknowingly. hella blessed coz while having dinner i read a tweet of a friend of mine Jared, that he's giving away at least 6 tickets for the show. so i tweeted back right away and asked for it. he said yes right away for me and my boyfriend. but i wanted to get 2 more for my brother and his wife who wants to see the show. but then he wanted me to answer a question first. i didn't get it right but he still gave me additional 2 just coz ..well here's his tweet: "im giving the tickets to you because ulirang gf ka din.ü and minsan lang andito c bf.ü btw, its july 11 2009. Sent u a dm."

im like so happy!!! its not jus because im gona see the show but because al spend it with the people i love-- my family & boyfriend (well, my bf is part of my fam too so yea.. family!) ..the first time i saw a circus was with my siblings and mom when i was a kid. this would be the 2nd time & im glad i get to watch it with my brother..

so, for you who wants to catch The Great American Circus check the photo for details:

again, thanks mucho Jared U. for being so generous! i owe you big time!

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